
Details of corrections make to the Emergency Medicine Manual (online and print version) are listed below.

5th Edition

(Special thanks to Adrian Bonsall, Ryan Clark and Andrew Perry for spotting many of these errors.)

Please note that errors known at the time are corrected for each new print run of the printed version, therefore some of these errors may no longer be present in your print version. All errors have been corrected on the online version.

p 71 and p 143 Adenosine dose for paediatric SVT

The adenosine doses recommended are: initial dose 0.1 mg/kg, repeat dose 0.2 mg/kg, repeat maximum dose 0.3 mg/kg (or 12mg), not total maximum dose of 0.3mg/kg. Doses of 0.05mg/kg, then 0.1mg/kg then 0.25mg/kg are no longer recommended.

Page 954, Deep venous thrombosis, Management

Doses of heparin (5000Units bd) and enoxaparin (40mg/day) are for prophylaxis, not treatment of DVT.The correct dose of enoxaparin is 1mg/kg bd (reduced in renal failure) and the correct dose of IV heparin is a  loading dose of 75 – 100 Units/kg with a maintenance dose of 15 – 20 Units/kg/hour. S/Cut heparin is no longer used for the treatment of DVT.

Page 1247, Causes of monoarthritis.Serum urate values should be in mmol/l not μmol/L

Page 466, Chapter 29 Structural Heart Disease, Cyanotic congenital heart disease, Eisenmenger syndrome

Should ‘read reversal of a left to right shunt into a right to left shunt’ instead of ‘reversal of a right to left shunt’

Page 1025 Chapter 83 Marine related injuries, Jellyfish envenomation, Irukandji syndrome, Management

Irukandji antivenom is not available. The statement “use combination of antivenom and magnesium” should read “use magnesium”‘

Page 702, Chapter 49, Endocrine Emergencies, Diabetes Mellitus, Effects of Insulin

Insulin promotes glycogenesis (glycogen synthesis from simple sugars), not gluconeogenesis as stated.

Page 615, Chapter 42, Neurological Assessment, Cranial Nerves, Trigeminal Nerve Supplies

Trigeminal nerve does not supply taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue. The chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve does this. However this branch runs with the Lingual nerve (a branch of the Mandibular division of the Trigeminal nerve)

Page 1108, Chapter 91, Ocular Assessment and Trauma, Ophthalmic medications

Heading ‘Alpha-2 antagonists” should read ‘Alpha agonists’.

Page 39, Chapter 3, Airway Management, Paediatric airway, Table 9 Endotracheal intubation

Second column heading should read ‘internal diameter’, not length.

Page 1150, Chapter 97, Spinal Trauma, Cervical Spine Injuries, Figure 1 Bones of the Cervical Spine

Axis mislabelled as Atlas and Atlas mislabelled as Atlas.

Page 1135, Chapter 95, Principles of Trauma, Trauma Scoring Systems, ISS

ISS is based on injuries to 6 body regions (not 7).Injury in each region is assigned a severity from 0 – 6 (not 0-5).

Page 267, Chapter 16 Clinical Biochemistry, Hyponatraemia

The correct formula isNa = (125 – Na) X TBW Instead of Na=125-([Na] x TBW)

Page 434, Chapter 27 Acute Coronary Syndromes, Thrombolytic agents

Last decision box of flowchart should indicate : If age > 75 years then give Streptokinase, if age < 75 years, give tPA, TNK or Tenecteplase. NOT the opposite as shown.

Page 5 & 6, Chapter 1 Cardiac Arrest, Advanced Cardiac Life Support,

Initial shock energy for children in cardiac arrest is 4J/Kg, not 2J/Kg as stated.

Page 254, Chapter: Clinical Biochemistry, Assessment of Test Performance

Negative predictive value = True negatives / (True negatives + False negatives) NOT = True negatives / (True negatives + False positives) as currently shown.

Page 254, Chapter: Clinical Biochemistry, Assessment of Test Performance

Negative likelihood ratio =  FN/TNNOT = TN/FN

4th Edition


PAGE 209, Chapter: Clinical skills

Correct dose of oral olanzepine for sedation of the agitated violent patient is 5-10mg not 50-10mg.

Page 476, Chapter : Investigations, Acid-base disorders
Rules for complex acid base disorders
Respiratory acidosis
10 mmHg increase in pCO2 gives an increase in pH of 0.05 acutely
Should read ‘decrease in pH’ instead of ‘increase in pH’
Respiratory alkalosis
10 mmHg decrease in pCO2 gives a decrease in pH of 0.05 acutely
Should read ‘increase in pH’ instead of ‘decrease in pH’
Thanks to Alison Kent for discovering this error.

Bilirubin concentration
Page 395 – values for bilirubin should be in micromol/L not millimol/L

Stab wounds to the neck
Page 830 – zones I&II of the neck should read :
I wound below cricoid cartilage
II wound between the cricoid cartilage and the angle of the mandible

Features of synovial fluid Page 674

Normal values should read : WCC < 200/microLInflammatory synovial fluid should read: WCC of 2000 – 50,000/microL,Septic synovial fluid should read: WCC of > 50,000/microL, > 85% polymorphs

Acid base Page 482 top of column 1

“Post hypercapnoeic respiratory alkalosis is really an acute respiratory alkalosis superimposed on a chronic respiratory alkalosis” should be: “is really an acute respiratory alkalosis superimposed on a chronic respiratory acidosis”

Hypokalaemia Page 490 Column 1 8th bulleted point:

Effects of Hypokalaemia: tubulointerstial should be spelled tubulointerstitial.

Page 490 Column 2 K+ replacement-choice of replacement formula 3rd round bullet: “cardiac monitoring required if replacement rate >1.5mmol/hr should read > 15 mmol/hr

Teeth numbering system Chapter 9, Page 263,

Teeth numbering for secondary dentition should read:1 = right maxillary2 = left maxillary3 = left mandibular4 = right mandibular